Featuring Your Favorite Brands & Products

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Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Open Your Stylist Homepage: Log in to your account and navigate to your stylist homepage.
  2. Select “Catalog”: Click on the "Catalog" option to view all available brands and products.
  3. Feature a Brand:
    • Click the “Star” icon next to the brand you want to feature first on your online store. This action prioritizes the brand's visibility to your customers.
  4. Feature Specific Products:
    • To highlight individual products, click on the brand you wish to feature, then select the “Star” icon next to the products you want to feature prominently in your online store.
  5. Change or Stop Featuring:
    • If you decide to change or stop featuring a brand or product, simply follow the same steps and click the “Star” icon again to deselect it.
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